How to make condensed resin in Genshin impact

Condensed resin you must have heard about this. Most of the streamers and high AR players used to claim domain materials using condensed resin. What and why people are using this resin to claim domain material and how do you get it?
Don’t worry I am going to show you how you can get the recipe of condensed resin and how you can craft it.
How to get a condensed resin recipe
So, you can easily get this resin once you unlock the liyue reputation system you can claim the recipe from the liyue reputation award. You have to reach level 3 on liyue reputation to claim it.

How to increase reputation level
You can increase your reputation level in 2 easy ways:
Archon/World Quest
Try completing all the archon/world quests related to liyue it will help you to complete the reputation fast and easily.
Another simple way to increase reputation level is to complete the weekly requests and bounties. Requests and bounties provide a lot of reputation points which is helpful to level up fast.
How to make
Claim the recipe from the reputation and head over to the crafting bench you need 40 resin and 1 crystal core to make 1 condensed resin and there is a limit you can only make 5 condensed resin at once you can’t make more than 5 until you have less than 5.

Where To Use
It can be used to revitalize Ley Line Blossoms from Ley Line Outcrops or Petrified Trees in Domains to receive 2 sets of rewards at one time. Both sets of rewards are random. It saves your time for farming multiple times.
Q. Can I claim boss material with this?
A. No, you can’t claim boss material
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