
How to Start Watching Anime: A Guide for New Fans (2025)

Start Watching Anime

Anime can be overwhelming for you due to its various genres and unique storytelling. It’s 2025 and now most people are watching anime. People who previously said anime is a cartoon now have a different perspective towards anime.

This guide will help beginners like you to start watching anime with ease.

What is anime?

So, before you start watching anime you have to know a little about anime.

Anime originated in Japan. Anime features detailed artwork, in-depth/complex storytelling, and more in different genres. Watching the growth of anime from Japan now other countries are also making their art-style anime content worldwide.

Other than Japan many people say cartoons to animated series. But all the animated series in Japan come under anime. The main difference between cartoons and anime is that anime tends to be more diverse in themes, art, and storytelling, appealing to a broader age range.

Choose The Right Genre

There are many different types of genres in anime you can watch. This depends on what type of genre you like. I recommend you start your anime journey with the genre you like the most. This will help you to start anime and get a better understanding of the anime series.

Further in the article I’ve mentioned some beginner-friendly anime that you can watch.

Where to watch?

With the increase in anime popularity now many online streaming platforms stream anime too

You can watch anime on: Netflix, Crunchyroll e.t.c

Subbed or dubbed?

When you start an anime you might get annoyed with the Japanese voice because you have to watch and read the subtitles at the same time. So, you would probably watch in English dub. But, you guys must have heard or seen that all anime fans watch anime in subbed. Now why’s that?

It’s because the Japanese voice carries more emotion and feels much more realistic than the English voice. The voice matches the character’s aesthetic and much more. Also, subbed versions are usually available sooner than dubbed versions.

I am not saying you should not watch in dubbed but for a better experience and more future anime, you should give subbed a try.

Anime for beginners:

Here is a list of a few anime you can try as a beginner.

  • Demon Slayer
  • Death Note
  • Jujutsu Kaisen
  • Haikyuu
  • Solo Leveling
  • One-Punch Man
  • My Hero Academia

There are many more anime you can try but I would highly recommend starting with a shorter anime first or you might get overwhelmed with big anime like One Piece or Naruto. You can start watching those big anime after you get a hang of what anime is.


  • Don’t drop any anime just by watching 2-3 episodes every anime is gold give it some episodes It will get good not every anime is good with the first episode. So, don’t drop it if you don’t like it.
  • Don’t watch multiple anime at once or it may cause you to follow the story lines.
  • Don’t stick to one type of genre try different types of genres.
  • Don’t watch filler episodes! Yes, some anime consists of many filler episodes you can skip if you want. You can find the list of filler episodes on other sites.


We’d love to hear from you! What was the first anime you watched, and what advice would you give to new anime fans? Share your thoughts in the comments below or join our discord server.

Sanskar Baranwal

Sanskar Baranwal

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